Dining out, beach bars and Friday night plans are all back in Marmaris!! (for now at least)
From the 1st of June, the government has allowed all restaurants and cafes to reopen for seated customers between 7 am – 9 pm. Takeaways are still available till midnight.
Gyms have reopened along with shopping centres. Weddings with a maximum of 100 guests are now allowed, and movie theatres are to be open with 50% capacity.
Curfew is now from 10 pm – 5 am with only Sunday being fully locked down. This means between 10 pm Saturday and 5 am Monday you will only be able to go out to purchase essentials. Unless you are a foreign tourist, then you can still go out, just be aware you may be stopped to show your passport and/or hotel information. Intercity travel is now open to all except during curfew (and again foreign tourists may travel at any point).
Masks still need to be worn outside and in public spaces, a 900TL fine is given to those caught without.
After what’s felt like months of stagnation there finally seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. We can only hope that the case number stays low and we can continue to go back to normality with the rollback of restrictions. I will be writing more shortly about what’s new in Marmaris, any events I’m aware of and information on some local businesses. You are welcome to comment below with any recommendations or information I may have missed.