The Ramadan lockdown introduced last month is still in effect but some more stringent guidelines have been added.
From the 7th of May, only items deemed essential will be able to be purchased. These include food items, cleaning products, pet food and cosmetic products (noıt including makeup and perfume). All stores not selling essential items are to remain closed. This means that the sale of alcohol is prohibited, along with the sale of clothes, electronics, garden supplies etc. If needed these items will have to be purchased online. You must also walk if you are going to the store, no cars or bikes allowed.
Large chain supermarkets are also now to close on Sundays but bakeries, greengrocers and dried fruit/nut shops are able to stay open 10-5.
Until the 13th of May, all takeaways can stay open 24/7, after this date they will be closing at 1 am.
Tourists here on a short visa remain exempt from the curfew guidelines however they will still have to wear a mask when in public, not publicly smoke, can only dine in their hotel and will only be able to purchase the same items as Turkish nationals/residents when out.
From the 17th of May restrictions will begin to be eased. There will be a nightly weekday curfew of 9pm-5am but weekends will continue to be fully locked down. Cafes and restaurants are to only offer takeaway on weekdays from 7am-8pm with delivery in the evening and delivery only on weekends 7am-12pm. Shopping malls will be open 10am-8pm on weekdays but wedding venues, gyms and sports centres are to remain closed. From the 1st of June, these restrictions will be reevaluated and changed.